Rubinia Gioielli e Feltrinelli, raccontiamo storie straordinarie

Rubinia Gioielli and Feltrinelli, we tell extraordinary stories

We are proud to present the exclusive project "We Are Our Stories" in collaboration with the most well-known publishing group in our country, Feltrinelli Editore, which will run from June 24 to August 22.

A special competition, the most important one by Feltrinelli, which will last throughout the summer. To participate in the competition, simply purchase a Feltrinelli Editore book among first editions and paperbacks, keep the receipt, and register on the website.

By doing so, you will be competing for one of the 90 prizes up for grabs, represented by Filodamore Bracelets and Seals Stories complete with necklaces. The prizes will be personalized and stamped with one of the 10 iconic phrases from authors and poets, which at the time of registration for the competition, readers will choose from the most beloved ones taken from the Feltrinelli catalog. The final draws will take place in October 2021.

Rubinia chooses the Sigilli Storie as the most iconic jewel of the Filodamore line to keep the phrases of the heart.

"A jewel that makes personalization its most precious soul, our goldsmiths know how to make this seal unique by stamping your life and your most beautiful moments."

"There’s a whole summer to read and find the story to carry with you always, don’t miss the chance to win one of the most beautiful phrases from the books of the heart, engraved by authentic jewel tailors."