Always on the side of nature and the customer
from 1 January 2021
Precious metals compliant with the RJC Chain of Custody
We only use precious metals compliant with the RJC Chain of Custody and recycled, according to sustainable and circular production models
Ethical practices in our business
Since 2021 we have been turning exclusively to suppliers of precious metals - first of all ITALPREZIOSI SPA - who guarantee theexclusive RJC Chain of Custody (COC) certification, which indicates the responsible origin of all the materials produced and processed in the internal and external production processes, along the entire chain of production of precious metals.
By "responsible origin" we mean that the metals are conict-free, that is, produced, transformed and transported responsibly at every step of the production chain, thus specifying the way in which these have been found, traced and processed throughout the supply chain.

circular economy
Respect for the environment
Constantly attentive to social and solidarity issues, we have always turned exclusively to suppliers of precious stones who operate by adopting measures that respect the environment and human rights: the diamonds of Rubinia jewels, in fact, are all accompanied by a certification attesting to respect of the requirements of the UN Kimberley Process Certication Scheme, which aims to eliminate from official markets all rough diamonds originating from war zones and used to finance conflicts around the world.

packaging sostenibile
Innovazione in ogni dettaglio
I packaging di Rubinia sono in carta 100% riciclata. A partire dal 2022 il brand si impegna ancora di più, scegliendo un packaging realizzato in AppleSkin™, un materiale vegano rivoluzionario che siamo orgogliosi di utilizzare come nostro packaging Filodamore completamente green. AppleSkin™ è una pochette portagioielli creata con gli scarti delle mele destinate all'Industria Alimentare provenienti dall'Alto Adige - Made in Italy - ed ha un impatto ambientale minimo.
Una scelta per difendere e salvaguardare l'Ambiente, nel rispetto dei valori di Rubinia: riciclo e riutilizzo. Puoi scegliere infatti come riutilizzare il nostro packaging: portacarte, portamonete, portatrucchi...