Jewelery tailors for 35 years
Jewelery tailors for 35 years
Our history
Since 1985 Sarti di Gioielli between tradition and innovation
Rubinia was born in Portofino in 1985 from an idea of Ilario Plazzi, a nice man with a mustache who stumbles casually into the world of jewelry after gaining significant experience in the cosmetics and clothing sector.
His creative soul and great sensitivity allow him to imagine and interpret the jewel as a fashion accessory, dedicated to women who daily live and wear their jewels by combining them with the garments they wear.
The meeting with Roberto Ricci took place in 1995 and their complementarity leads them to share, even today after 25 years, the Rubinia world, in which jewels are created as tailored suits with a constant search for materials and new color combinations.
Strictly handcrafted, original in color, style and cut, each jewel is unique: Roberto has always worked on the uniqueness of the person and has been thinking of unique pieces for unique people for 25 years.
Tenacious like Robinia, a strong plant with sweet and fragrant flowers, precious and charismatic like Ruby, the prince of stones. This is Rubinia, the synthesis of the six senses that through natural and precious materials gives life to unique and unrepeatable creations.
The Rubinia world
The Rubinia world is a world open to young people, to their creativity and energy and that is why we turn to universities and design institutes to actively involve students.
parla con noi
Consulenza gratuita
Da un progetto condiviso possono nascere meravigliose creazioni! Parla con uno dei nostri orafi, anime creative del Brand, per trovare il gioiello perfetto e indicare le tue esigenze.
Prenota ora la tua consulenza gratuita e senza impegno con Roberto, anima creativa del brand.
A big family
We have put art and passion into our new timeless creations. A work group that has been working with dedication and professionalism for years to create recognizable jewels through the beauty of their shapes and the value of every detail.